Saturday, August 25, 2012

Carsyn's 4th Birthday Party

Well it only took 4 years but Carsyn finally got a birthday party.  She wanted a WaterPark party that included her new slide.  Well I usually do not like parties at home but we decided to give it a shot.  I planned it for the morning since August is usually so hot.  Well I went from being afraid that everyone would be hot to cold then I worried about a rain out.  Well the weather was perfect.  It was overcast which helped with the tenpertures and the rain held off.  Carsyn had a great group of friends show up and she had so much fun!  They had a great time!
Her cake.  The colors of the party were blue yellow and red of a beach ball

 Water Balloon Toss.  Well the balloons where gone in about 2 minutes!

 Yeah for me@

 Our neighbors!
 Ready for everyone to get there!
 Go Lucy Go
 Sweet Grace
 Wheatley showing her moves
 Stella climbing away
 Make a wish
 Her new doll
We love Doc Mstuffins

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