Sunday, January 31, 2010


Chris and I both volunteer at our church every Sunday. I do check in and Chris is head usher. We have to get there pretty early. As you can see there is alot for the kids to do while we work. They LOVE going to church each Sunday. Callie loves to tell us what she learns each week. They have such a great time and look forward to it each week!

Callie's shots

Callie took these pictures in the car on the way to Abby and Chole's 1st birthday party! It was a great time! Kasey has the sweetest and cutest girls! It sure was fun to see everyone!

Strongwilled Child

The other morning I was rushing to get the kids to school. Carsyn would not stop throwing a fit. I finally realized that she wanted to wear a backpack like her big sister. So after a 20 minute fit we got it all worked out. She walked into school like a BIG girl with her big backpack!

Rule Follwer

Callie had a party for three of her friends at Pump It Up. She had such an awesome time. She loves the kids she goes to school with. They have been together for almost three years. It is going to be really sad when they all go different ways this August. Before this party the kids had to sit and watch a video with all the rules. When we went into the room to play Callie sat down in front of the bounce house. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that only 6 people could be in the house at a time and there were 7 in there. She is such a rule follower! She gets that from her Daddy! She loved going down the BIG slide!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sweet picture

I took this picture of Carsyn and I had to post. It is out of focus but I think it is so sweet. She never sits still long enough for a good picture.

Daddy is the best playmate

Poor daddy! He will do anything to make his girls smile!

Mommy in training

Callie is a little Mommy in training. Her favorite playtimes involve her being the Mommy. She calls Carsyn ,"baby." She is such a sweet, caring, loving child. She wants everyone to be happy. Whenever there is a younger child around Callie is always there to help. Yesterday she was playing Mommy. I had to snap a picture of her. It was so cute. She pretended she was a lunch and had to take care of her baby. So sweet.

Same but different

Carsyn has a new game she loves to play. She wants diapers on all her babies. When this started I said to Chris, "I think we have been down this road before!" I found these pictures of Callie and when she wanted them also. She was a little older then Carsyn but not by much. The difference in the two is, that Callie would ask nicely for me to do it. Carsyn on the other hand tries it by herself. She continues to try until she gets mad and we help. That would show the difference in their personalities. We have so much fun these days!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Daddy

Callie and Carsyn love their Daddy! When he gets up in the morning they fight over who gets the first hug of the day. They both are very sad when he goes on a trip. They want to play with him and sit in his lap all day long. Carsyn is really good at getting past me and going into his office when we get home from school. I am sure their have been many customers that have heard a hi pitched, "Hi Dada." Thank you Daddy for all you do for all of us each day!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What we like to play

Carsyn loves playing with her babies. She goes into her room and reads to them and tries to change their diapers. The other day I went in and she had about 30 diapers all over the floor. She had her baby on the play changing table. She kept patting the baby saying ,"ok ok ok !" I guess that is what I do also. She puts them to bed every night before she goes into her crib. She always kisses them on the head and tells them night night love you. So cute! The weather was a little warmer today so we went for a walk in her new bike. Thank you Mimi and Paw. She LOVED it!! Callie also loves to read to her sister. She has really started taking off in her reading and no longer makes up words but sounds them out. She also loves to take her own pictures with my camera. I have added some. She actually is better then me. I am hoping for a new camera for my birthday so maybe she can have my old one.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pjammy Day

Today was Hibernation Day at Callie's school. All she cared abut was that she got to wear her Pjammies. I know that I should correct the way she says PJ's but I love pjammies. She was so excited. Her sweet teacher sent me a sweet message along with these pictures. You can tell that she had a wonderful day! I hope she acts this well in kinder next year!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I can not believe that Callie is 5. I am in the process of ordering clothes for school next year and I can not believe that she will be in Kindergarten. I am so excited but scared for her also. Callie has changed a lot this year. She loves to dance, in the comfort of her own home, every chance that she gets. She loves to watch Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. She is such an awesome big sister. She treats Carsyn like her little baby. Callie also loves playing school. Any chance that she gets to be the teacher is HUGE for her. She recently got to move up in gymnastics and loves it. She is such a good little gymnast. We are so proud of how far she has come. She hopes to be on the team next year. Every Sunday when we pick her up from Sunday School she tells us what she learned. She does a good job of remembering those little sayings all week long. She still is our shy little child. I have learned, even though it has been so diifuclut, that I can not push or change that about her. We have our struggles as all children do but, all in all Callie has sure grown up alot.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Carsyn oh Carsyn. What can I say about our sweet , show no fear, always on the move, child. One thing that keeps Carsyn still is books. She, like Callie, loves her books. She will sit for hours and read her books out loud to us. Before bed we read three books that she gets to choose. Then she reads to us. It is such a cute process. She even changes the tone of her voice when she reads. You can hear her reading in her crib until she finally falls asleep. Carsyn looks so much like her Daddy but, acts so much like her Mommy. We can not even imagine our lives without her to keep us on our toes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sleepover with Spencer

Kristen and Russ went to watch Ole Miss play so we got to have Spencer. We had so much fun playing with him. He loved playing with new toys. He was such a big boy!