Sunday, February 28, 2010

Princess and Pirate Day

Callie had Princess and Pirate Day at school on Friday. She had so much fun! She of course would not smile when I tried to take a picture but she did for another mom. We are so lucky that both the girls have such wonderful teachers. They love going to school each day and that makes me happy! Thank you to all of them for making the school experience so fun for them!

My job

Carsyn seems to think that her job is to feed the dogs each night. Last week I was cooking dinner, and frankly just happy that she was not screaming, and this is what she did. Such a stinker! Maddie was in hog heaven.

Back again

We were on a really good streak of staying well but it came to halt on Friday. Carsyn came down with a 103 fever that she has had for three days straight. Today has been one of the worst. All she does is cry and she will not sleep at all. Sleep has not happened for any of us since Thursday night. Needless to say I tried to get some pictures of us playing outside today. I got a couple with a smile which is a miracle. I am praying that things are better tomorrow and we do not have to go back in for more tests!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Favorite Food

Carysn is always eating. Her new favorite snack Magic Pop. It is so good I do have to say. It is also very healthy. She is always eating them. I think we have bought Central Market out of them every time we go!

Hannah Montana has hit

Callie has finally learned about Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana. She is always dancing, singing and playing her guitar. She does not like for me to take pictures but I tried to get a few today.

Not sure what to think

Callie is an extremely "reserved" child. I am reading lots of books on this since I have no idea what that is like. I have learned that you do not call them S-H-Y. Lately Callie has been taking some very funny pictures with my camera. Here are some that she has taken. They make me laugh!

18 months

I can not believe that we made it! Carsyn will be 18 months this week. She is such a joy but she is so me also. We love her personality! She loves everyone and never has met a stranger. She knows all her body parts and most of the animal sounds. We are working on her colors and she is learning them quickly. She loves to sing songs and play with her babies. Here are some pictures I took before church today. Notice that they are action shots because she never sits still!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


We finally got a chance to make Smores. We had a great time and they were so good. I was good and only had one when I could have eaten about 20!

Princess Day

Callie got a new Belle costume for Valentine's Day from Gigi and Ed. Well Carsyn, like always, had to do what sister was doing.

A real Snow Day

We actually got some real snow. The girls loved it! Daddy was on a trip so it was just us playing in it all. The person who had the best time was Maddie. Wow, that dog wanted to be out there all day!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Clown from Baskin Robbins

When I was younger I used to love to go to Baskin Robbins and get the clown ice cream cones. We finally got a store close to our house. Today Chris took Callie there and she got one. She was so excited about to bring it home to show me! Yummy!

Valentine's Day preparation

We have been busy this weekend getting things ready for the big Valentine's Day parties at school. This year I had personal cards made at Shutterfly for the girls to give out to their friends. The kids were so excited about them. We helped Callie make her bag. Then we had to do something for Carsyn because she wanted to do something also. What fun!

Daddy Daughter Dance

On Saturday night Callie and Chris went to the Daddy Daughter Dance for the second time. She got off to a rocky start, sorry Julianne and Daph for messing up the pictures, but she ended up loving it. The girls she went with were so sweet to her especially Ansley. She really had a great time and even though she is so shy she loved it! Thanks for the sweet memories.