Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some Christmas pictures

First Limo Ride

Mimi and Paw had a surprise for all of us Thursday night. Wow it was a great one. We all loaded up in a limo and went to look at some awesome Christmas lights. It was a great time! The lights at Chesapeake.
All straped in

Happy Happy

Ready to go

So much fun!


Before we opened presents with my parents we all went bowling. It was so much fun. The kids loved it and we all had a chance to show our stuff. Ed of course won which made him happy. It was a great time with family!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Party

I got to attend Callie's Winter Party. It was a fun time.
Eating her snowman
One shot before we ate it
Happy girl

Our placemat with the Gingerbread theme of course


Carsyn has been taking classes at My Gym since August. She loves it and as you can see she does it all. She loves circle time and can sing all the songs. She even plays at home when it is over.

Christmas Card

Here is our Card for 2010. We are so blessed to have such sweet girls in our lives. We thank God each day that he lets us be part in the process of raising them! Here are some highlights of their year

You had a very big year. You started your kinder year at Fisher and you love EVERY minute of it. You are such a great reader and daddy has helped you to become an incredible mathematician. You have made tons of friends and never seem to have a shy moment at school. You have to be the best big sister anyone could ask for. You are so sweet to Carsyn and are her best friend. Your favorite thing to play is school. You seem to be playing school over and over at the end of the day. You love to play bowling and spending time with your family. Your grandparents are so important to you as well as your cousins and aunts and uncles.
You have had a great year. You are always talking and have no issues telling us what you want or need. You are very busy and we have to watch you like a hawk. You have made tons of friends at school. You also LOVE gymnastics and like to play it at home as well. You are always playing school with your babies. You are changing them and putting them night night. You asks lots of questions and continue to do it until you get the answer you want.

We love you girls. The most important thing that we have to say is that you know about God and have LOVED learning all you can about him. You both tell everyone that God is in your heart. In the eyes of your mom and dad that is the most important thing in your life!

So it has been awhile

Not sure how long it has been since my last post. It has been a little busy. I love this time of year and catching up with friends and family. It is a great time and this year since our family has been apart it was even more special! We went back and forth on the tree and we finally decorated. We of course saved the angel for when Daddy was here. Here are some pictures of our big tree and our playroom tree!

2 times

We are so proud of our sweet Callie. She got her 2nd posive referal his school year. She got to do a happy visit to the office and get a call home! Mrs. Fathree called daddy and Callie was so excited! We are so proud of our sweet girl. She is so sweet and such a great leader at school!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tried to get some cute pictures!

I tried to get some pictures for the Christmas Card. I have to say I GIVE up! I got some cute pictures but none that I can use. The girls did have a WONDERFUL time though!!

Turkey Homework

We had a homework assignment last week that Callie LOVED! We had to color and disguise it so that it would be safe on Thanksgiving. Sweet Callie I hope you can guess what we dressed it up as!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a great Halloween this year. It was crazy getting the house ready to sell but we made it! The girls were both well for once and they had a wonderful time! Carsyn got into it very early. She would say," Lights off no go Lights on lets go" She must have said a million times Thank you and Trick or Treat! It was so so cute!

Finally got it!

Who is that masked man???

Our traditional pizza on Halloween!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Here's to our new adventure

We got some wonderful news on Friday. We are so proud of Daddy! We are all looking forward to the next adventure in our life! We know that God has a plan for us ! Congrats to Daddy and we are so proud of you!

Daddy taught me!

I have taught Callie a lot in her 6 years. Not all I have taught was good but oh well. She has been trying to tie her shoes forever.. We bought a book and tired this summer but she always ended up getting upset. Well last night in about 5 minutes Daddy taught her how to do it. She has been practicing over and over! We are so excited! Now we have to tackle the whole bike isssue!!

Just chillin

It has taken two years but I found something that Carsyn will sit down and watch! She loves Strawberry Shortcake. I snapped a few shots to show she does sit down every now and again! I love her pose!

Bath time fun

The things we do for fun!!

School School and more school

Callie loves to play school. Her teacher have her some name tags and she is found a great way to use them. Look for you name I am sure you wil find it!