Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Love You Month

I have never been a huge Valentines person. This year I thought we would change it to Love You Month. So I decorated the girls doors today while they were at school. Starting the 1st Chris and I will take turns writing on a heart what we love about the girls and put it on their door. We run around so much I sometimes forgot to tell them!!! I hope they love it! We will see! Out friend Kim made these shirts for the girls and they could not wait to wear them.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

iPhone Picture Dump

All grown up for School Picture Day

My little Dancer

So cute but not completely ready yet

So proud

The girls LOVE going to the Gymbacks Meet

What do you mean this seat is not for me?

All made up at the Cheerleading Party

This is what happens when Daddy takes you Rollerskating and says you can do it!

Treat for a perfect report at the dentist

Her kitchen is finally complete

I think she likes her motorcycle

Giving Daddy a pedicure

Monsters INC

My family

Oh how I love these guys so so so much! Thank you God so much for these blessings.

Busy Busy Busy

Things have been so busy lately.  I have tried to update the blog but no luck because Blogger was having an issue with the picture upload.  Well I thought I would make a memory of our daily schedule.  When I was a teacher I would not understand how parents could be so busy with extra curricular activities that they could not get homework done. Now we ALWAYS get homework done but I must admit sometimes that is in the car on the way to an activity.  So here is our schedule

Monday 5:30-7:00 Callie gymnastics
Tuesdays 11-12 Carsyn Dance 6-7 Callie Soccer Camp
Wed 5:40-7:40 all three of us church
Thursdays  10:30-11:30 Carsyn gymnastics Callie  3:30-4:30 dance
Friday 3:30-4:00 Gymnastics Callie
Sundays 3-4 Callie ballet


Performance Central

It seemed like the  girls were very busy performing this December.  It shocks me that I have two girls that absolutely LOVE to be on stage.  Don't get me wrong their mom is all about performing but until last year I was afraid they did not have the same desire as me.  Well this year that has really changed.  The girls both attend Pride this year.  They did a Christmas performance and I LOVED it.  Callie danced to 5 More Days to Christmas and Carsyn did I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. They both did great.  They love to dance and play dance EVERYDAY!!! 
Leading the pack

Leading the line off the stage

She loves to dance!



She's got the  moves

Carsyn singing Oh How I Love Jesus at her Preschool Talent Show.  I was so proud!  She even told them she did not need a microphone. 

Carsyn also sang at her Christmas program at school.  You could hear every word in that sweet raspy voice!  It was great!

Callie's Birthday Party

This year Callie wanted to have a Mad Scientist Party.  We had been to one that was so cute so I jumped on it.  We did the tie dyed theme for her invitation and cake and color scheme.  She had a great time and the kids were so well behaved.  I think they were amazed. 
Happy 8th birthday my little girl!

She loved the rocket. Since we leave out of the city it was a great place to let it off.  We didn't ever find it so they gave us another one. 

Learning how to do it

It  took place in our garage with stressed me a little but we cleaned it and put lots of plug ins in.  It smelled great.  It was so fun!  I can't believe she is 8!