Friday, January 27, 2012

We have talent yes we do!

One of the girls asked Callie to be in the Variety Show at school. I thought no way.  She wanted to do it though.  They did motions to the fight song and then said Roar.  They had to perform 3 different times. She rocked it everytime. We are so proud.  She might ne a cheerleader after all.  Alot of kids danced but I really thought our kids did a great job showing their Grizzly Pride!


Callie has a little friend that lives in our neighborhood.  She loves to have her over to play.  They took pictures last time she was here.  They are so funny!

Christmas 3

Callie ready to open gifts
This year we spent New Year's Eve in Oklahoma celebrating Christmas.  The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.  The weather was so nice and we had a wonderful visit.

What is that Carsyn in the distance?

Could it be?  The washer and dryer you have been begging for!

The Charlette's Web doll! 

Playing baseball with Daddy