Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Swim of the Season

Gigi and Ed decided to heat up the pool before they go to Indiana for the summer. We were so excited to go for a swim. The girls had so much fun. Callie only need a few reminders and she was off swimming all on her own. She did get tired and used her fish to help her take a break. Carsyn had no fear and all she wanted to do was swim. We had so much fun!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kinder Registration

Tomorrow I will register my little baby for Kindergarten. I can not believe it. Today I went back and looked at some pictures of her growing up. I still remember her as the little baby in these pictures. What happened to those 5 years. We love you little Callie!

Jumping Around

The weather is finally getting better. We did alot of work on Saturday in the backyard. Today after church the girls wanted to go jump. It scares me to have Carsyn on there but since she can climb in all by herself there is little I can do to stop her.

The ball is so fun to throw!

Callie amazes me on the tramp. At gymnastics she does so many tricks that I never thought a 5 year old could do. Wow!

She is ALWAYS on the go!! No stopping her!

Sports Birthday Party

On Saturday Callie had a birthday party for two boys in her class. It was at a HUGE indoor sport place that is filled with different type of courts. Callie has always said that she wanted to play soccer. Chris and I have gone back and forth about it. I have this vision of Callie out on the field and the ball coming towards her. All I can see is her screaming and crying. Well after this party I know that would be the correct image! She cried at first because she did not know what to do. They were just practicing kicking the ball into the goal. She was sad because there were people running everywhere. Well after about 10 minutes she got with it and was fine (until we played basketball) My prayer for Callie is that she will get over this fear of things so that she can enjoy life. She has such skill and she misses out on so much because of her fear! All in all though she did have a great time!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We did some Easter egg decorating and some planting in the yard. Sunday we got up and went to church. Then we headed to Aunt Kristen's house to eat and play. We had a wonderful time.