Thursday, May 30, 2013

Field Day 2013

Today was Field Day and the kids had a blast.  Here are some shots from the day!  Thank you to the rain for staying away! It was so much fun and I have a tired girl!

We have a Swimmer

I say it is second child syndrome.  Callie we had in swim lessons once she could walk.  Carsyn well it took her being 4 1/2. I was determined the child was going to learn to swim this summer.  Well we started in January with lessons twice a week.  It did not take long and we had a swimmer.  She can swim almost the whole lenght of the pool. I am so proud of her!

2nd grade Program

This year the second graders presented the play "How Does Your Garden Grow" Callie had a speaking part and was supposed to dress up like her favorite fruit.  Callie wanted to be an orange.  Well I am not crafty at all so I took to the internet and ordered one.  NOw it actually was a pumpkin costume but who cares.  She looked so cute and did a great job.  The play was fantastic.  Everyone has their own part.  It was fantastic and so well done.  I was so proud of everyone.