Monday, July 18, 2011


I have been following this blog for months now.  I wanted to share it.  This family is unbelievable.  Their faith amazes me each day.  They are always at the top of my prayer list.  I thought I would share.  The power of prayer is so amazing!!

Playing with Cousins

We had a visit this weekend from Chris' brother and his family.  We had so much fun.  With all the heat we had to have a little bit of relief.  So much fun!!!
The slide is ready to go

Hannah loved every second

Callie got brave and went face first

Carsyn of course has no fear


Way to go Matthew


I got to take these two sweet girls Rollerskating yesterday. Callie has been begging to go.  Carsyn is in Oklahoma this week so it was a great chance to do it.  Also it is so hot  out I thought it would be a cool thing we could do.  Wow, I have to say it was a HUGE workout but lots of fun! 
This is how we started but she tried so hard.  There were lots of tears and falls but she would NOT give up!  I am so proud of her effort. 
After two hours this is where we were. I would turn around for a second and she would be off. I am so proud of her!!

She got it and we will be there every night this week. So much fun! Now we just have to tackle the bike without training wheels. I have to tackle that once it cools off outside!