Monday, July 18, 2011


I got to take these two sweet girls Rollerskating yesterday. Callie has been begging to go.  Carsyn is in Oklahoma this week so it was a great chance to do it.  Also it is so hot  out I thought it would be a cool thing we could do.  Wow, I have to say it was a HUGE workout but lots of fun! 
This is how we started but she tried so hard.  There were lots of tears and falls but she would NOT give up!  I am so proud of her effort. 
After two hours this is where we were. I would turn around for a second and she would be off. I am so proud of her!!

She got it and we will be there every night this week. So much fun! Now we just have to tackle the bike without training wheels. I have to tackle that once it cools off outside!

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