Monday, September 5, 2011

Carsyn turns 3

Casryn had a very exciting birthday weekend.  My parents came to town for a quick stop over on Friday.  That was also Carsyn's first day of MDO, which she LOVED!  Carsyn was so excited to see them and her new Barbie Jeep. (I seemed to erase the pictures from my camera)  Then on Saturday we took her to Chucky Cheese.  She has been BEGGING us to take her there. 

 All smiles!
 Riding the scary ride!
 Showing off their prizes~!
 Callie made her some very very yummy cupcakes!
 Carsyn had a taste as well!
 Her friends came over on Sunday and sang Happy Happy Birthday!
Someone LOVED her cupcakes~

Our dearest Carsyn,
You have grown up so much this year.  It has been a vert busy year for us as a family and you held on with no problems.  You gave up alot of your favorites this year.  Pacy went bye bye.  It was a hard few weeks but you did so well.  We also have mastered potty training this year.  I put it off and finally you had enough and decided it was time.  During the lovely snow storm in Februray you took off the diapers and have pretty much gone without since. 
You love to play many things.  Playing Mommy and School seem to be at the top of your list.  You also want to be a part of anything you big sister is doing.  You are always talking and love to pretend talk on the phone.  We love you so much!

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