Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Safety Town

Carsyn was sick with a 104 fever for 4 days straight. After a visit to the hospital AGAIN and lots of sleepless nights, she seemed to take a turn for the better. We decided to take the girls to Safety Town to look at the lights and walk around. They loved it. It is a little town with streets, stoplights. and railroad tracks. Children, mainly school aged, can go there and learn safety rules. They learn how to ride their bikes correctly and how to cross a road correctky. It is really neat. The girls loved it. They wanted nothing to do with Santa but that is ok. We had fun.


  1. Love your new blog. What a great way to keep track of the the family happenings. Photos are PRECIOUS. Thanks for including me in the "send out". Keep up the blogging -- you'll be glad you did. :)

    Love, Nancy

  2. Ok so adorable! Your girls are just little angels! Thank you so much for letting me know about this, I will definitely check it out often. :o)
