Sunday, June 13, 2010
Of course my favorite song is this one! I love it and can not begin to tell you how much the words motivate me!
New Toy
I had a wonderful birthday yesterday. Chris got me a new video camera and the girls got me a new purse. My family got me gift cards a new camera jewerly and money to do some shopping. I spent the whole day with some great friends laughing and having a great time! We went and saw Wicked. It was incredible! I have been singing it all day! Wow!! We went and got Callie in Ok today and dropped off Carsyn. I was happy to see Callie but so sad to see Carsyn go!! Callie leaves tomorrow for Indiana and I am so sad that she will be so far away. As much as I want a break I miss them so much!! I am having such a hard time without my girls but I am so glad they are getting so one on one time with their grandparents! How much fun and how brave of our parents to volunteer! Here is video Callie made today!